Join Us
We are glad you’re checking out our site and hope your online experience gives you a sense of who we are and why we are here. Please take time to explore. We hope you will come and join us for worship and more on an upcoming Sunday.
A few things to know about Zion
Once you arrive
Welcome! Greeters will welcome you on your arrival. Please feel free to ask questions or for a tour of the facility. We will ask you to wear nametags. Don’t worry, we wear them too so we all can get to know one another!
Parking and entering the building: Our largest parking area is behind the church. Follow the white signs to reach this parking, including spots who need easier access. The covered entry on the church building’s west side is our main entrance. Parking is also available on the north side of the building. People often park double and triple deep here. The door with the ‘Now Open’ sign brings you downstairs to the fellowship hall.
Timing Matters
Sunday Celebration Worship begins at 10:15 am. Lutheran music and liturgy with contemporary additions sprinkled throughout provides vibrant worship for all generations.
Weekday offerings - Weekly bible study is offered in person or via Zoom on Thursdays at 10:00 am.
Forming Faith is central to the lives of disciples of Christ today. We offer a variety of learning opportunities for ages 4-adults on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am for adults and during the worship services for pre-K through 5th grade, and small groups throughout the week. Confirmation classes are held during the school year for students in grades 6-8. Information on current topics are found in the advertisements on the panels, before worship and in the weekly Friday Update (printed copies are available in the entryway).
Worship Matters
What to wear: People come in a wide assortment of dress from casual to dressy. You may find some in jacket and tie, or khakis while some of our youth wear jeans. We want you to feel comfortable. Come as you are.
Children in Worship and Beyond: We love children to worship with us. Most Sundays there will be a Children’s message using a bucket with an item supplied by one of the kids. Soft toys and drawing materials are available in cloth bags in our gathering area. A table and glider rocker sit beyond the glass in the gathering area if you need to step out for a brief break. A nursery is also available. At this time it is not staffed but plans are in the works to have someone available for you. If you have a young one, don’t hesitate to ask for help or direction to what you need.
Bulletins, announcement and worship order Our screen panels includes the order of worship for that Sunday or holiday service. In addition, we offer a "mini" bulletin. Our panels provide the worship order as well as the words to hymns and liturgy. If you read music, some find it helpful to mark hymns in advance for easier access. Pastor will help the congregation know where we are in the service and when to sit or stand.
Welcome Pads: We ask that you sign in using the attendance paid in the pew and indicate whether you will participate in Holy Communion with us or would like more information about Zion. Signing the guest book also helps our staff know you were visited. It's found in the narthex.
Music Ministry: Our Zion Praise Team leads worship on the second Sunday each month. Our Adult Choir and Chime Choir are currently on hiatus.
Offering: We collect a general offering each week. Your gift to God is appreciated and will be used in the mission and ministries here at Zion and beyond our doors. A generic envelope is available in the pew pocket in front of you if you prefer.
Holy Communion: The Lord’s Supper is celebrated weekly at Zion. We believe that this Sacrament is a gift from God and is available to all who are baptized and seek forgiveness and community. If you are unable to come forward to receive, let an usher know and Pastor will come to you where you are sitting. All denominations are welcome. Those wishing a blessing may also come forward with hands folded.
Holy Baptism: This sacrament is celebrated on Sundays during worship for all ages on request. All seeking to be baptized are encouraged to contact Pastor. You will receive simple instruction and be warmly welcomed into our community of forgiven sinners who work together to love and serve God and our neighbors.
Fellowship following worship: Most weeks we will gather either in the downstairs fellowship hall or in the upstairs gathering area for light refreshments. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for the month with a cake. Please join us!
Are you hurting? Please do not hesitate to let Pastor or an usher know if you need prayer or a Pastoral visit. Prayer request forms are located in the pew pocket and can be placed in the offering plate or given to an usher.
Interested in becoming more involved in our faith community?
Do you have questions about what Zion is like as a worship community? Are you interested in becoming a member? Please let us know you would be interested in a call from Pastor or a member of our New to Zion team.